Private notes-Income and Security #1


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Better returns with private notes

Is your money well protected?

Does it produce income?

A strong asset and payment stream are the keys to backing all your investments.

How do you do this? By establishing a solid foundation of good returns through good loans.

Good loans are made up of 3 key components:

  1. Good properties
  2. Good borrowers
  3. Good security

Lets start by looking at number 1 in this post and follow up in future posts with 2 and 3.

Good properties.

How can I keep my money working safely for me in any economy?

The first step is to find good loans. And the first step to finding good loans is to find good properties. Because real assets are the BEST way to protect your money.

That’s what I want to chat with you about today.

Good properties.

They are the first foundation block to creating good loans. But what makes a good property?

Here are my top 3 musts:

  1. Must be highly marketable. That means it should be:
    • In an area of demand
    • In good condition
    • A functional home
  1. The property must produce income for the borrower.  Think rentals, small commercial or fix and flips (from the sale).
  2. Must be in locations you understand and like. Loan in areas that fit your comfort level.  If you are from a small town loan in small towns.  If you are from the city put your money to work in the city.

Remember, a real asset (that you like) to protect your investments is the first key building block to good loans.

Private lending done right

Ready to build your foundation for good loans? Contact us today and see how we can help you succeed in private lending.

  • Email us a question at
  • Schedule a 30-minute consultation.
  • Enroll in my personalized coaching services.


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Private notes-Income and Security #2

Private notes-Income and Security #3

Private notes-Income and security #1


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