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private notes done right

Ways to make your private notes a lot more secure. Part 1

Putting money to work in private notes is a savvy, safe way to invest your money. But like all investments, there are there are a few ways to make them even more secure.  Please understand that the fees and costs of these items should always be picked up by the lender.  These costs are a lot less than they would pay with a traditional lender.

Here are 1-5 of our top 10:

  1. Always insist upon using a third party to create your closing documents. Have your attorney complete or review all the documents (this should be covered by the borrower and not you). Do NOT let the borrower write them for you.
  2. Hire an appraiser or local realtor to valuate each property to so you know the real current market value.  Do put all your trust in the valuation provided by the borrower. It doesn’t mean they’re trying to lie. They simply might not know the value of the property.  The loan to value is key to keeping your money secured.
  3. Require each loan be closed, insured, and recorded by a title company and or attorneys office. If a borrower claims closing/recording through title is a waste of time or money, they are not the type of borrower to receive your money!
  4. Always pay for title insurance and request first lien position. First lien position will ensure you get paid back first, before anyone else.  If you just order title and don’t request to be in 1st lien position you may end up in a jr lien position.
  5. Always verify wire instructions verbally with your title company to avoid fraudulent activity. Do this each time you send or receive a wire. Wire fraud has increased and always take the time to protect your money.

Next up Ways to make your private notes a lot more secure. Part 2. 6-10

Private notes secured

If you have questions or what to learn more about private real estate lending reach out to us today through the Contact Us form.


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Private notes-Income and Security #3


Better rates and returns

At this point, you know having a good loan means having good properties and good borrowers.

But there’s still one more key component that will help you build a solid foundation for your investments:

Good security.

We all interpret the same conversation in different ways. For example, a conversation between you and a borrower might be understood in two different ways: your way and their way.

That’s why it’s so important to know these top 3 ways to secure your loans:

  1. Get it in writing and get it signed by both parties.
    • No verbal agreements allowed.
    • Record agreements like rates and terms.
  1. Always have an attorney prepare your documents.
    • Use YOUR attorney, not the borrower’s.
    • Require the borrower to pay the cost of the attorney (not you).
    • Ensure defaults are in place.
    • Include all documents required by the state.
  1. Close through a title company
    • Make sure you’re in the proper lien position (first).
    • Make sure the lien gets recorded.
    • Make sure the closing is handled by a third party (title).

All of this might seem like a lot of work, but these simple steps will protect you, your loved ones, and your money.

Creating good returns with good loans can be easy and profitable. All you need to do is use the 3 key building blocks I’ve shared with you to create a strong foundation.

  • Good Properties
  • Good Borrowers
  • Good SecurityBetter returns

    Ready to build your foundation for good loans? Contact us today and see how we can help you succeed in private lending.

    • Email us a question at Mike@TheNoteShop.com
    • Schedule a 30-minute consultation.
    • Enroll in my personalized coaching services.

    Did you enjoy Private notes-Income and Security #3?  Check out:

    Private notes-Income and Security #1

    Private notes-Income and Security #2






Private notes-Income and Security #3


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Better returns with private notes

Is your money well protected?

Does it produce income?

A strong asset and payment stream are the keys to backing all your investments.

How do you do this? By establishing a solid foundation of good returns through good loans.

Good loans are made up of 3 key components:

  1. Good properties
  2. Good borrowers
  3. Good security

Lets start by looking at number 1 in this post and follow up in future posts with 2 and 3.

Good properties.

How can I keep my money working safely for me in any economy?

The first step is to find good loans. And the first step to finding good loans is to find good properties. Because real assets are the BEST way to protect your money.

That’s what I want to chat with you about today.

Good properties.

They are the first foundation block to creating good loans. But what makes a good property?

Here are my top 3 musts:

  1. Must be highly marketable. That means it should be:
    • In an area of demand
    • In good condition
    • A functional home
  1. The property must produce income for the borrower.  Think rentals, small commercial or fix and flips (from the sale).
  2. Must be in locations you understand and like. Loan in areas that fit your comfort level.  If you are from a small town loan in small towns.  If you are from the city put your money to work in the city.

Remember, a real asset (that you like) to protect your investments is the first key building block to good loans.

Private lending done right

Ready to build your foundation for good loans? Contact us today and see how we can help you succeed in private lending.

  • Email us a question at Mike@TheNoteShop.com
  • Schedule a 30-minute consultation.
  • Enroll in my personalized coaching services.


Did you enjoy Private notes-Income and Security #1?  Check out:

Private notes-Income and Security #2

Private notes-Income and Security #3

Private notes-Income and security #1


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